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Discovery Draft

From my earliest memories, I was biracial in a white community. As a result, I always identified as white. When I was about 7 years old trying out for the neighborhood swim team and put on the speedo swim goggles, I said to my parents, “Hey, these goggles make me look Asian”. With my swimming goggles suctioned onto my eyes as tight as possible, but then my dad said “Carolyn, you are Asian!”. Well after guffaws of laughter, I realized I looked Asian without the goggles too.  Racial identity can be open ended. More often I feel more white than I am Asian, but it constantly changes with the environment I am in. Submissions make it even harder because checking ONE box is simply not enough.  I have struggled with this situation multiple times for instance during the SAT, ACT as well as for college applications. I was born in Thailand. I speak Thai, and I eat Thai food. But I consider myself as white. Yet, when I still do not feel fully accepted in the white community because I clearly look different. Just as I cannot really consider myself fully in the Asian community as well, because neither of them feel right. I am my own. Since I live a cross-cultured lifestyle, I have learned to appreciate the values of other cultures as well as feel the need to bridge different cultures. As a result, this has definitely influenced my decision to major in international affairs here at Florida State University. 

Conference Reflection

I had a few grammatical errors, like putting the comma outside of the quote instead of inside. As well as citing the author of a book wrong. I never thought about reading my paper out loud, so when Mat read it out loud to me, it was a whole other perspective. I noticed that my paper had a whole bunch of ideas, but was disorganized, kind of jumping all over the place. So, I decided to re-organize my paper into chronological order. This way, the paper made more sense to the readers. Before, I knew my paper did not quite flow, but now I am more confident in it because it sound much better. 

Grading Based Off

Exigence- personal narrative, creativty, community

Structure- Personal narrative, Organization, coherent

Genre- there is a text and some description and informational analysis

Overall Quality


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